Monday, June 21, 2010

We left Melissa about 10 PM tonight. They are letting her have ice chips. She is in pain but pain meds are doing their thing until she moves. As she says pain meds are a wonderful thing. They did have her sit on the side of the bed and dangle her legs and she ended up standing to move up the bed to try and lay on her side to sleep a little. She is in the step down unit now but probably will move to a regular room tomorrow. Drew was there and was probably as good for her as the pain meds because he took her mind off of things.
Thanks for the many prayers that have been said. They were answered in what I think is a big way. I'll let her explain later.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear she's doing well. We're praying for her! Does she want visitors yet? I would love to come and see her later in the week if she's feeling up to it.
