Thursday, January 26, 2012

And you all think I'm crazy....

When i was at the doctors they saw my zebra print bag cover and commented on it. That got us started talking about things people do when they have a bag. Safar had the most creative (but a bit disturbing) thing i had ever heard. He said he has a patient who has a liquid output so he put plastic fish in his bag and he tells people it is his portable worries i won't start that one.

On other news things seem to be going really well for me. We got the leaking bag under control. We also had a friend from church have his colon removed due to cancer and he is doing really well. We went up to see him yesterday and was surprised how well he was doing and getting around.

God is good!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

i see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

Doctors appointment went really well. He wants to do two tests that will fill the j pouch and check for leaks as well as a ct to check for fluid collections. He also wants the gi doctor he works with to scope me and she wants to do a mri of the small intestine. The scope and mri is set up for February 20 and then i will go see her for results 2 weeks later. I am hoping to set up all the other stuff for the same days to minimize trips to stl. Once everything comes back i can finish this off with my 12th surgery!

Monday, January 16, 2012

one down one to go

Home health came out today and couldn't put back on the wound vac because there wasn't a hole to put the spung into. We will wait for the official word from the doc but i am Oscar free!!!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

the good the bad and the gross

The good: Oscar, my wound vac, and I are getting along wonderfully. They are coming out every 3 days to change it and every time it is visibly smaller. It started at 2.6cm deep and when they measured it last it was .9cm. It has also gone from the size of a half dollar to the size of a dime. It will be changed tomorrow and Monday then Wednesday i go see the doc and i think he will take it off for good!

The bad: i can not keep a seal with my bag. I got a new batch of supplies just before Christmas and i am almost out. I won't be able to order new ones until the 19th due to insurance. If that wasn't bad enough i have to pay the deductible all in one go because i have to pay it before they will release the supplies.

The gross: because i can't keep a seal that means i am washing out a lot of very gross wash cloths and towels. I can't wait to be able to throw out all my disgusting stained washcloths and use the nice ones i got as wedding gifts.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

that better

I finally got the wound vac on Thursday. The nurse came and changed it today and other had already shrunk the wound down from the size of a half dollar to the size of a quarter. Things are finally looking up.