Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Back At It

It's been a while but nothing much has really happened. Most days I feel good and I've learned to control a lot with diet. In August Drew and I went to see a maternal fetal care specialist to see what challenges we would face if we were to have kids. Our biggest risk would be delivery. We would have to have a planned c section with a colon rectal surgan on hand because there is a good chance of cutting into bowel. We have also joined the YMCA so we can both get into better shape. In my mind I can do a lot more than I can actually do so it should be interesting. The gluten/wheat free diet is going well. I have found I can get away with trace amounts and a small amout of wheat starch. Which brings me to what I am going to start using this blog for. I've had people ask me what I eat because they are going g free or know someone who is. So from now on I am going to start posting recipes and good products I have found. I will alao probably start posting craft projects too. Recipe #1 Tonight for dinner I made croc pot chicken. I just threw a couple chicken breast in with half a bottle of bbq sauce. Make sure you check your sauce if you need it g free, I like to use the hickory sauce from Aldi or Sweet Baby Rays. Cook it for about five hours on low. About 30 before your ready to eat pull the chicken out and shred it using two forks then throw it back in the pot until your ready to serve. I like to eat mine with potato chips but it is also really good made into bbq nachos. My hubby likes it with pepperjack cheese on bread with some onion and green pepper.

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