Thursday, October 28, 2010

Back to the waiting Game

I am starting to feel better these days although I learned that holding babies even if they are within your 10 pound weight limit isn't the best idea in the world. However, if I had it to do all over again I probably would have done the same thing:) I'm still having to take some pain medication here and there, mostly at night or if I have been out and about for the day. I am also taking a giant antibiotic twice a day so maybe this time we can get things cleared up without having to drain it 3 times.

I'm told that the doc thinks the CT contrast helped in getting the infection started back where they had drained the abcess before. I'll find out more when I see him on Monday but there probably will be no more of those until he is 110% sure it is healed compleatly.

This has definitely been a roller coaster for me. When I first talked to my doc in June we thought I would be done with my last surgery by the end of September. Then after the first one I had so many problems so we thought it would be October, then it was by Thanksgiving, now I am going to be lucky to have it done by Christmas. I honestly don't care if I have to be in the hospital over Christmas anymore, I just want it done before the new year so I don't have to pay anymore bills. I think the most frustrating part is I feel like my life is on hold. Most people can go back to their office jobs and be just fine after a few weeks. That is not so easy when you are in a classroom or waitressing. I really wish I had an at home job like stuffing envelopes or putting together something. I am very thankful that I have parents that are willing to help pay my bills now that I have run out of money. I am also thankful for a wonderful supportive fiance that doesn't care that I poop out my belly. Most of all I am thankful for a loving God. I have no idea why all this has happened and why I must wait but I do know that there is a plan, there is a reason, and I just have a wait and see what that is. It is in His hands and only He knows the correct timing for it all.

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