Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Good News....maybe

Today my white cell went down to 7, a very good thing. This morning I had a CT scan and a drain check where they shot contrast through my drain while running continuous X-rays to see where the contrast went. It was interesting to me because I could actually watch the screen and see my insides. Between the two test it showed that the pocket of fluid had collapsed but there are two holes that the contrast went through and into my intestines.

Tomorrow I am getting a surgical drain put in down in the operating room. It is set for 7:30am so they will probably come get me about 6:30. The doc thinks that the drain I have isn't always draining right. It keeps getting clogged or at least slowing down causing my white cell count to go up and me to feel awful. Then when it gets to flowing right again and I feel good for a couple of days until it clogs once again. The larger drain shouldn't clog and will be easier to take care of, he even thinks it might help me get home a little sooner. I'm just glad we are finally trying something new.

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